Happy holiday? Happy? Ada apa2 nk tnya? No? Then we are happy. 1st of all, hahaha. Sebab? Ntah, xda sebab. Just suka2 + ing (like play + ing) berbuat demikian. Ohya, the thing is, aku lost. Seriously, I'm a bit lost right here. Just imagine, over a month x update blog, while having plenty (or should i say "nauzubillah byk yaaaa") of so called 'keja sekolah'. I am soooo pengsan. Yaa, but luckily for me, xla se-struggle insan2 lain dalam sekolah (dorg ada Xtra 3 subjects dpd I, due to I dh amik subjects to awl dr dorg).
Okeh. Lps sahaje ('je' tu yg mahal) 'sign in' acc ni tdi, trs blur skjap. Hello, lma dh x bukak acc ni ok, x 'up-to-date' la katakan.
Anyway, interim dh submit, task 2 applied da setel. Currently yg still pending:
√ PM's organization (with presentation)
√ Eco's task 2, 3 & 4 (with presentation)
√ PP's saimen on Practical Completion (once i thought it was only a tutorial, so submitted a piece of paper only + hand-written, mmg hangin la Cekgu trs). Utk test2 tu, ktorg lom buat lgi, but do have some (test) rasanya.
√ Measurement's water reticulation + main task (sewerage, both piping & manhole). Currently buat skit2 utk Road. Other elements tu x ingat dh. Haha.
√ Applied's task 3 & 4 (with presentation)
*As I said earlier, luckily for me, just ada 5 √, dak2 klas lain ada 8 √. (Bersusah2 dahulu, bsenang2
kmudian sbab dh amik awl, but then, subjected to the approval of sekolah)
Anyway, cuti smggu ni InsyaAllah still blegar2 d skitar kwsn sekolah, so do contact me kalo nk tgk match
bola kah, mkn sama ka, g surau sesama ka. Then again, subjected to terms & conditions. Haha. I am sooo
'red neck' QS. Okai2, ada pa2, do contact me.
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Selamat Hari Raya Qurban & Happy Holiday