Monday, May 28, 2012

Mejlis spesel Sepul - Nurul


For this entry, it'll be in bahasa due to limited thinking time / capacity of mine. Worry not, it'll be purely bahasa as in Kamus Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, 14th edition (you bet!). p/s: i'll make it as Karangan version Peristiwa ya (partially in abbreviations mode).

Photobooth Sepul - Nurul

25 May 2012

Pd hri Jumaat, 25 May 2012 yg lps, sy telah pergi ke Bandaraya Bersejarah Melaka, di sana, sy nmpak byk sejarah, tp sejarah sy 1A & bhasa Melayu juga 1A, so jgn risau.

Okay lah, sejarah mungkin berulang, walau engkau ku maafkn oh kekasih... & aku, maafkan kamu, x ada peduli lgi sebut nma mu, ada teratak d hujung kpg, woooo~ ...

Ohya, jumaat lps, hmmm, Melaka, yes, sy sudah smpai sna, "Hai Melaka" benak kecil fikiranku dipacu gerimis silam akn pcutian lps ku Disember lalu. Masakan aku bleh lupa saat itu, saat kmi bpeleseran d kaki bukit yg indah (hiasan kata2 semata2), oh Melaka~

Ok2, Jumaat lps, phew! Sy pun tiba di Melaka Sentral, bertemulah dgn Nurul, Salley, Ira & Dayah (kwn Salley), dimana ketika itu, Nurul (pganten prempuan) dgn berbesar hatinya menerima kehadiran Salley & Ira, & hantar Dayah kembali ke tpt asalnya (mgkin tpt asal, mgkin x), sementara sy pun menanti kehadiran Nasey.

Nasey pun tiba, bsama Naqi / Naki (sy pun x pasti, tp sy guna 'Naqi' utk pbualan seterusnya), utk mengambilku di Sentral tersebut. Kami pun melalui denai2 kehidupan yg serasi dgn pmbangunan arus globalisasi yg tlh dterapkn skian lma, sejak zaman Parameswara lgi. Sekali2 terlihat byg2 Tuah & rakan2 bmain2 keris d kawasan skitar, ohhh, mgkin sy telah keletihan agaknya ketika itu, padahal sy bukanlah ahli XX-Ray yg blk ke zaman lampau, itu ahli Aziz M. Osman & rakan2. Sy pun t'fikir, knapa lah semua ini terjadi??? Entahlah, ini dluar bidang kuasa sy selaku seorg pelajar ipt yg lemah, kerdil, naif & serba kekurangan ini.

Destinasi kami bukanlah Pulau Pangkor mahupun Selatan Thai, tp hanya d Batu Berendam. Ketika itu sy pun tcari2 mna letaknya rendaman batu itu, namun gagal, apa yg pandangan mata ini mampu kecapi hanyalah longgokan kelapa yg bjuta2 lemon. Sy pun bingkas btanya kpd mereka (smentara mnunggu Yazid, kwn mereka smpai) "apakah tpt ini wahai sang Melaka bimaputra adi gorno?" <--- bahasa lama yg hanya sy faham, dlm masa yg sma, tibalah air 'Coconut Shake', seraya mereka bkata "inilah Air Kelapa Batu Berendam"... Ok sgguh sedap, tmbahan pula, ada air klapa ais free utk minuman ramai.

Kmi pun pulang ke destinasi mlm itu (drahsiakn tptnya, risau akn pihak2 jahat d luar sna yg ingin mganggu kharmonian tpt ini), utk solat (syukurlah sy mendapat rukhsah solat ketika ini) & bersalin (tiada bayi yg kluar, cuma baju2 yg telah dgunakan). Ok, mlm itu, kmi pun menuju ke Aeon (Jusco, tp bkn d bukit raja mahupun bukit tggi) bdekatan, btukar2 cerita d 'kedai kopi'. Rupa2nya, sy masih blm matang, sematang rakan2 skolah yg lain, patutlah perasaan aku sperti tingkatan 4 masih, skaligus dgn fizikal ini. Syukurlah ada buluan d muka utk mngaburi usia sy. Hatta, kmi pun cuba utk mcari kawasan kejadian utk mejlis pnikahan & psandingan Nurul - Sepul (dimulakan dgn pihak Nurul d Lendu, dsudahi dgn pihak Sepul d Sibu).

Malangnya kmi gagal memastikan tpt sbnar lokasi kejadian, namun kmi berjaya mengetahui keadaan sebenar perangkap2 laju (bukan perangkap awas KRU) d kawasan skitar, terima kasih kpd GPS tersebut. Kmi pun kbali ke habitat terkini Nasey utk bmalam.

26 May 2012

Sy tjaga, rupa2nya dh Subuh, segera solat bersama Nasey & Hilmi. Selesai itu, Nasey pun kerja sedangkan sy & Hilmi bersarapan, bertukar2 cerita & kbali ke blk. Asalnya sy nk main PS3 itu, namun x ksampaian krana ngantuk. Pabila bgn, tgk2 Hilmi pun tlh pergi kerja. Ketika itu sy pun mcapai stetoskop Nasey sketika, rupa2nya alat itu betul2 bfungsi.

Mgkin otak pun bdenyut

Nasey kmbali ke bilik, sy pun trs jamak solat, smbil kmi menanti Wati tiba utk mjadi navigator ke lokasi mejlis. Wati tiba, kmi pun btolak, rpanya Lendu itu agak jauh. Mmg salute lah thadap Nurul yg memandu ke skolah stp pagi sekolah, amat jauh kerja nya dgn rumah.

Setibanya d Lendu, kmi tsalah rmh, itu rumah pasangan pengantin yg lain. Langsung kmi trskan pjalanan shingga bjaya. Kmi pun menuju puncak... d akademi fantasiaaaaaaa... Syukurlah kmi smpai tpt pda waktunya. Ayah Nurul yg menikahi Sepul kpd Nurul. Agak tharu di situ sketika.

Alhamdulillah, Sepul slmt menikahi Nurul. Strusnya, kmi menemani pasangan pengantin ke lokasi2 penggambaran utk album pnikahan mereka. Photographer yg terpilih adalah saudara Razali daripada Foto by Razali yg bpusat dpd Batu Pahat Johor (kalau sy x silap maklumat). Saudara ini mmg bpengalaman dlm bidang2 pgambaran ini. Hasilnya adalah album ini [klik]

Ok skippp.

27 May 2012

Sepul segak berbaju Raja Sehari manakala Nurul cantik mengenakan bju permaisurinya. Mempelai pun mnerima kunjungan dr pelbagai pihak, tmasuklah sy, Nasey, Rusdi, Wati, Salley, Ira, Hasilah & Raihana. Syukur alhamdulillah, ini merupakan perjumpaan yg bmakna stlh btahun2 tpisah. ada yg bru bjumpa stlh 7 tahun tpisah.


Ohya, smasa penyeri acara mejlis juga adalah sesi bgambar dr booth gmbar yg tlh dsediakn utk dmasukkan ke dlm bku kdatangan perkahwinan. Pihak ThePhotoboothCorner yg bertanggungjawab dlm mnjayakan bhgian ini. Antara hasil adalah album ini [klik]

Selesai mejlis, kmi pun kembali ke tpt masing2 & hidup dgn aman damai & bahagia & gmbira (pdahal sy & rakan tertinggal bas, etc.. hahaha. syukurlah tlh slmt smpai ke shah alam)

InsyaAllah, mnunggu undangan pernikahan / persandingan kwn2 yg lain lgi. Hihihi. Undangan dri pihak sy pula, sy serahkn sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan yg Maha Mengetahui lgi Maha Penentu segalanya.


Friday, May 18, 2012


Peace be upon u

This brain of mine is always formulating fantasies, which i would say various. It can be weird, happy, thrill, action, fiction, and many more.

Things in this brain

But lately i've always have a picture of me in various lovey dovey events, fist-fight events, actions like jumping from the cross over to lorries, etc. There's 1 time i'm almost accidentally jump from that cross over due to event / calculation created in my mind countless times.

This is the state of my mind
Abstract is the correct words

Apart from that, i always picture myself working like a true adult, big corporation companies, make millions of income, etc.

On vacation, bills paid by the company :)

The brain keep pushing me away & away from the reality. Maybe i'm afraid of that reality itself, who knows.

Fears outcome from the reality

Anyway, there's a 25 old 'not so adult look' guy, have lots of great friends, on his final semester (insyaAllah), in his 'job-hunting' mode, currently struggling with his own fantasy / reality, single, live just nearby this block.... and apparently that guy is me :) 

May peace be upon u. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Peace be upon you

These past few weeks i've been bald and bald and bald, not that regular no 1 size bald, but this is totally 'clean' like Harith Iskandar's head. i just give several days for my head to have a taste of hair until they're gone, again and again.

Right now my hand still have a little smell of blood after i cut the head's skin. It's been a while since i shave this head by myself, so i've lost quit a bit of shaving skills. But who cares, all i want is an empty feeling. Yes! Empty like i'm become 1 with the nature.

About what people gonna say? It's up to them, it's their thought & taste, i just nod and smile just to keep them happy but still deciding on balding. Anyway, i think my confident level is quite high, the evidence is that i am not waive even i meet lots of people with this image, bald of course. Sorry guys, i'm not shame by my own look :)

To be honest, i've been bald since i was a little baby, so no heart feeling okay. It's my true form. Sorry if its caused you feel scary, disgust, annoy and etc to you, just being my true self :)

Picture taken by Ameng 'Kaki Besi' during my previous presentation on Redevelopment on Puncak Alam (S'gor) areas

So guys, don't afraid to try something you want, as long as it didn't goes against your religion :)

Peace upon you all.

Monday, May 14, 2012

tired... hungry... unable to do homework due to lack of active and vigorous, love, passion, etc... Y U No finish study???

Friday, May 11, 2012

Liverpool New Home Kit :)

Peace be upon you.

Here is the new home kit for LFC. Grrrr, they have 'WARRIOR' on their chest. i want it tooo !

Seriously, don't mess with this guy! He's the real JEDI in football's field.
Jose Enrique, hope u can score for this coming season & continuously keep scoring goals for LFC
Legend among the legends ! 
Pepe look nice on green.
Rabbitman from the rabbit year.
Our Bella :)

Here's some video for ya ! 

My comment is:

The shirt kinda comfortable and i like it due to plain design (i prefer plain) but the pants seems to be a basketball pants which i hope it will not be stripped away easily.

We will never walk alone :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012


it is better being a noob / naive rather than know things that u shouldn't have to, things that u can't handled with u're bare mind. trust me, i prefer being part of the noobies, but i really don't even know y did i dare to know in the 1st place. eager it is. pure human i am. hate it when things turn this way. shuhhh 3x, away with it, leave my mind / memory alone.

Saturday, May 5, 2012



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unfortunate event is to teach me to become a better person


Fortunate event is to appreciate my works